YAS 2023 - Young Algaeneers Symposium
The seventh edition of the Young Algaeneers Symposium, YAS 2023 will finally be back in presence! YAS is a symposium designed and organized by young scientists for young scientists, addressing all aspects of algal (both micro and macro) research and technology.
Last year we celebrated the YAS decade online, following the first one in Wageningen in 2012, Montpellier in 2014, Malta in 2016, Oban in 2018, and online YAS 2021, this year our event will be hosted by the University of Algarve (Faro, Portugal), with the European Algae Biomass Association (EABA) support.
Masters, PhD students, Post-Docs, Young Algaeneers from industry, are encouraged to participate and contribute to YAS2023 and further develop the growing young algal researcher network. You will have the opportunity to discuss your ideas with your peers, and interact with key players in the algae industry and in the academia, to gain a deeper understanding of the current status and future challenges of the algal research.
Every year we invite Young Algaeeners to bring their ideas and their research topics to YAS.
We want to follow the original idea that YAS is born to give a stage to people doing the actual research in their laboratories every day, for the ones on the frontlines of the microalgal developments, in order to share their results, experiences and doubts on the future algae careers. During the registration you can suggest the topic you would like to discuss, the protagonist of this conference is you!
For our sessions, we select chief topics in the algae industry. From the past editions: algae standardization, biorefinery process, novel food, synthetic biology and so on, chaired by experts in each sector who will take part in the discussion, making our symposium interactive and innovative in the chosen format.
The attendees will also receive the opportunity to join an exclusive visit to local Algae Companies. Last but not least, a social event will be organized the first evening to bring participants together and to get to know each other. For more information follow us on the socials and let us know your thoughts!

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